Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Sinus Problems? .... This may help.

In our home, we all suffer from allergies and how bad it gets depends on the season, the weather, if the heats running or how dry the air is.  I'm not big on pharmaceuticals, I prefer a holistic treatments, then if that doesn't work I'll have to find another method of relief.  And for sinus problems I've found an over the counter medication that has worked really well for Matt and I.

Our first method of relief is the neti pot.  If you haven't tried one, you should.  Yes it's a little scary at first, but once you get the hang of it, it does wonders for your sinus.  You use a saline solution of 16 oz. water to 1/4 tsp salt.  Make sure the water is room temperature, you don't want to use it too cold or hot.

If you have sinus pressure and the neti pot just doesn't do it for you, I've found the solution.  Have you heard of Advil Congestion Relief? ...  So have I, but it's expensive ... $9 for 18 tablets

At Walmart you can purchase the exact same thing for so much less. 
The Advil product is a combination of Ibuprofen 200mg and Suphedrine PE 10mg.  (I read all labels carefully.)
You can purchase separately in the Equate brand, Suphedrine 36 tablets for $3 and Ibuprofen 200 tablets for $4.  Take one of each to equal the Advil Congestion Relief.  That's a great savings!!  I hope this helps some of you.

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