Tuesday, September 2, 2014

In the Kitchen - Zucchini Bake

I love zucchini and yellow squash. Most of the time I saute it in a little butter, garlic and S&P, but sometimes it's fun to mix it up. This recipe that I'm sharing is very versatile and super easy. Enjoy!

2 medium zucchini cut into 1/2  moon slices.
2 medium yellow squash cut into 1/2 moon slices.
(you can use all zucchini or all yellow squash or add a different veggie if you want)
2-4 Tablespoons fresh basil (less or more depending on your taste)
2 Tablespoons green onion thinly sliced or any onion of your choice diced
1 or 2 cloves of garlic diced (more or less to your taste)
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
1 cup grated cheese (I used mozzarella & provolone)
1/2 cup coarsely grated Parmesan
S&P to taste

Preheat oven to 350F. Spray an 8x8 baking dish with olive oil. Combine all ingredients, except half of the grated cheese. Bake for 25-30 minutes uncovered.  Sprinkle remaining cheese on top of mixture and bake 10-15 minutes longer.

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