Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Agrodolce Peppers

I found this recipe on Jamie Oliver's FB page. It's a recipe from Gennaro Contaldo, who is an amazing Italian chef. Agrodolce means sweet and sour in Italian so these are sweet and sour peppers served on rustic bread, similar to bruschetta. I used a balsamic vinaigrette when I made it because that's what I had on hand and I also added about a teaspoon of diced jalapeno for a bit of spice. You could also add some red pepper flakes if you want the spice but don't have a jalapeno, or you can leave the spice out, it's fantastic either way.

1 large sweet pepper, sliced. I used yellow but you can use red or orange.
10 olives sliced in half, I used Kalamata and Manzanita
1 heaping tablespoon of capers
2 large cloves of garlic, diced
1 teaspoon diced jalapeno
2-3 tablespoons Olive Oil
3 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar or you can use balsamic vinaigrette
Salt and pepper to taste
2-3 slices of rustic bread

Heat olive oil in a hot pan. Add the garlic, peppers, olives, capers, and jalapeno to the pan, cook down and let it caramelize a bit.
After about 5 minutes you can add the balsamic vinegar. Let the flavors blend together for about another five minutes. Salt and pepper to taste then serve mixture on top of bread and enjoy!

Here is the link to Jamie Oliver's FB video page with the original recipe. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1307976039343177

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