Friday, January 21, 2011

Book List

One of the goals I've set for myself this year is to read more.  Since being a stay at home mom and house wife, I feel as though my brain has turned to mush at times, and I think reading will help remove the mush.  So far I've read 3 books this month.  I'm going to try and read two books a month, one for fun and another for learning.  Here is the list of books I've finished so far ......

Call of the Wild; Jack London.  Thank you to Madalynn for choosing this one, I really enjoyed reading it out loud to her.  I can't wait to see which one she picks next time.

Organized Simplicity, The Clutter Free Approach to Intentional Living; Tsh Oxenreider.  This is a good read for anyone wanting to simplify life and be more organized.

Victory Over the Darkness, Realizing the Power of your Identity in Christ; Neil T. Anderson. This is a great book and I recommend it to anyone struggling in their life or just wanting to learn more about living with Christ.

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