Friday, January 21, 2011

Cooking & Recipes

I must have over 20 cook books in my collection, I love cook books.  I also have a cook book I've made up myself of recipes I've cut out of magazines or off the internet. But honestly I've maybe used less than 5 recipes out of all my cook books. Well this year that is going to change.  Each week I'm going to cook one new recipe out of one of my cook books. I've tried 3 new recipes.

Sweet Corn Spoon Bread.  I have had this recipe for 3 years and I've been so excited to make this dish.  Well I was very disappointed.  It wasn't at all what I thought it would be.  But, I'm going to rework the recipe and make it work for me, because the concept is good just not the flavors. When I get it right, I will share it with you.

Caramelized Onion Chicken Soup.  This is one of the best soups I've ever tasted.  I got the recipe out of the Parade.  If you like french onion soup and chicken soup, you'll love this. And it's very easy to make.  If you want the recipe, let me know.

Roast Beef with Balsamic Vinegar.  I was nervous about this one, but the vinegar really tenderized the beef and the juices made a great sauce. Another really easy recipe, made in the crock pot.  This one came from one of my Betty Crocker cook books.


  1. Hi: Please send the onion/chicken soup receipe and the beef please. I like your blog very much. Just signed up with google and hopefully will be able to see it regularly.

  2. This blog is a perfect venue for you to share only a fraction of your amazing talents. I am so excited about it! I would love the soup and the beef recipe. Thank you!!

  3. Thank you for the kind and encouraging comments. I hope everyone enjoys reading and eating what I have to offer.
