Friday, January 21, 2011


Hello Everyone,

I just started my new blog.  I will be posting daily inspiration's and bible verses, cooking recipes and reading lists.  All things that interest me and will hopefully interest you too.  I'm new to blogging, so it may take me a bit to catch on, but hopefully it will be informative for all.

**UPDATE 7/15/14**
I've been away from my blog for a while.  A lot has changed since I started this blog. the kids are older so I'm not sitting at home anymore. Although I'm still cooking, reading and wanting to share inspirational bible verses, we are much more active and we're homeschooling.  Which brings me to this ... I'd like to change the name of my blog, just not sure to what.  So I'm asking for recommendations and ideas from my friends and family to help me get my creative juices flowing.  If you have any ideas please share in the comments or on my FB page.  Can't wait to see what you all come up with.  :)

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